Thanks for joining everyoneeee 💗✨

The winners are and CONGRATULATIONS! ✨✨

Yang lain jangan syedi ya (sok ngartis bgt //plak) lain kali bakal ngadain art raffle lagiiii 💃💃✨

0 10

Pak CEO menemukan jodohnya!! /plak

0 2

How much I improved in 2020?

Dec '19 - Jan '20 - Feb '20 - Apr '20

P.S masih berusaha nyari art-style yg nyaman tapi kudu ganteng /plak

0 8

Ayo nder mutualan ini fanartku btw kalo bisa follow ig @/muffinkillerdoodle juga ya heheh //plak

0 0

Sedang kita pikir pasal corona, jangan lupa plak bawak kereta, kona2 tu elok2 k. Drive safe. 🙏🙏🙏

1 0

gedik ah kau ashe ashe plak, okaylah tu pelan pelan kayuh! Janji jangan give up je. War machine pose dah best, iron man kau tu kureng sikit, nah ikut reference ni kasi gempak sikit perfect duo tu😆

1 0 dulu aku tiap hari buka ini buat belajar, bagus kok walopun sekarang aku banyakan wajah semua atau dada ke atas (karena paling gampang gambarnya /plak) tiap hari bikin 10 pose dalam 5 menit aja udah mayan membantu banget, jadi tau gambar proporsi manusia

48 323

today's shirt, for a citrus delivery service called...Citrus Delivery. mostly was thinking of the guys that sell fruit out of their trucks and honk their horns to let people know.

fonts: Pickle Standard, Cardinal, Neue Plak text

3 23

Teringat plak time ni . I was 21 years old at that time. Beginning of my career. And my friend Mona KV trusted me to do the kolam for publika deepavali that’s , although I only made a little small kolam before. So all of it was new and I always like to challenge myself.

2 17

Marathon fanart post~ >///<)b
The first one from Rivvad on Facebook (❁´◡`❁)
At first pic with , and the second.. Well~~ xD
Apel Malang /plak
Tbank you so much for these arts~~

0 11

Wah syukurlah ka!!! ( 。ᵔᴗᵔ。)人(。ᵔᴗᵔ。 )
*buka hajatan maem-maem* /plak

0 1

Gelisah abis diapain siiihhh~ (♡´౪`♡) (/ω\)

Baca My Pet is a Warlord chapter 42 biar ga ikut gelisah~

(Chapter 36 juga udah bisa dibuka gratis pake tiket 🔖😉)

0 1

She blushed not because of Alm, but her weapon renife kyaaaaaaaa >\\\\\< *plak

31 186

Part mata, masih fail 😔 tp by following this thread, mcm senang plak tengok.


3 5

Masukin kucingnya ke baju karena ngegambar sean megang kucingnya susah, gini aja lebih gampang //plak

17 159

Awawa lagi baca ulang komik lama mumpung valentine.
Imut sekali ceritanya~ Siapa sih yang bikin x"D //plak

Yang penasaran, silahkan baca bukunya ya~

1 7

Happy birthdayyyy~~munage//plak
Maksudnya senra-san

1 1