shark tooth poketuber reporting in !

9 52

Day 15: Legendary Pokemon - Mew

4 35


Teddiursa – Nagomi Nijo

0 1

Yoga Trainers At Poketropolis

1 6

Poketober 12. Last of the eeveelution gang, Flareon and Glaceon being extra cozy (and cat like)

19 51

Day 14 - Goomy (Dragon Type)

1 3

Day 12: Ice -- Glastrier
I remembered to hit record at the beginning this time ;)

2 2

Banette here is an expert pumpkin carver. 🎃

4 6

Day 12 of Poketober!!

the hands are my favorite part of this whole thing💜

1 1

poketuber girl iono

549 3945