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Traffic Jam
Car Jamming

Only The Truth Can Set You Free

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I'm just trying to figure out
Why would you say something absolutely unnecessary
Right in the middle of everything crazy that's going on
99 problems

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Some kid just drew his gun and started shooting
It's no mistake

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It can be so lonely and cold

They're still trying to find a way back home

It won't do anything good

No More War

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You're gonna see some funny things

No one goes home all alone

It doesn't happen naturally

Thank you and best wishes 💯

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They're gonna turn their backs on you

Some people can't seem to get it right

Some folks start turning blue


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Everybody wants to have some fun

Someone remembers and starts to drink

Everyone looks so familiar

Don't bring your best behavior

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It never seems real when you read or hear about anything

But when you're actually in a situation
Where it's really happening
Believe me
It doesn't seem real at all

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His answer to my question was many years ago
It seems like yesterday

I asked the SpaceMan if he was from outerspace❔
His Response:
"How will you know if it's true"

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"How will you know if it's true"

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So much technology
So many advances
Could it be a fire of unknown origin

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