People are fr finding ways to make everything about racism.

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another scripted by the blacklisted Polonsky: Odds Against Tomorrow, produced by and starring Belafonte. a soundtrack featuring Bill Evans. unforgettable exteriors of 1959 Manhattan, shot on infrared film. a great heist story that also tackles US racism. damn

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I’m about to fight the CEO of racism... brb..

Feat. and watching 😎

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beautiful animation film uses collage techniques to create an enchanting fairytale set in belle époque but also raises very current questions around misogyny and racism. A really stunning film.

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Imagine asking for help from other racists because you’re being bullied for your racism.

1 20

2013: Castigates Central Park Five.

2014: Promotes birther lies.

2015: Mexicans are “rapists.”

2016: Muslim ban.

2017: Calls neo-Nazis “very fine people.”

2018: Refers to Africa “shithole countries.”

2019: Tweets racism.

is not among the

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Don't use science to justify your racism. It's ugly, it's dumb, and real scientists won't stand for it.

MOST IMPORTANTLY... Ariel is a mermaid, a mythological creature and doesn't follow laws of biology. She can be any color in the world and it's valid. 5/7

26 160

It's so bizzare that when people make some character's skin darker everyone's cheering, but when opposite of that happens everyone calls the artist out for racism. Here have this dummy kitty and finally make up on not changing anyone's skin color for the love of melitele

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Next door aachchi racism can't be divorced from 'not selling Muslims land' racism to 'boycott Muslim shops' racism to 'rioters destroy freely' racism. Prejudices are harmful on a micro scale, but backed by power structures? They become disastrous.

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Just heard about racism...damn that shit sucks.

11 65

Just found out about racism... damn that shit sucks :/

9 47

Here's some art I created for a wikiHow article! Autistic people deserve kindness, not ostracism.

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This is historian racism. Like...the American vessels get like 40 pictures and medails and memorial crap yeah? And the latino and asian vessels not? Very interesting

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I’m a nonbinary/girlish person but I have women (and non-binary) characters featured in my comic Phantom of the Jam which you can read on Tapas.

It’s Phantom of the Opera, without the sexism and racism. It’s very gay with supernatural elements!

Keep up the good work everyone!

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The 4 most popular white supremacist leaders in America all openly agree that Tucker Carlson shares and champions their values. So, it really doesn't matter if conservatives wanna play dumb about his racism. What matters is asking his advertisers if they share those values too.

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"Hating diversity in media has nothing to do with racism..."

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your face when you see the new batch of comics ✒
Critical hits in the classroom:
Racism...against white people!
Give and let die:
Asbestos is back, baby!

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