Хочу спробувать в комішони, але моя слабкість в зображенні homo sapiens ускладнює все вже на етапі роздумів над прайсом.
Поки мій мозок виродив тільки ось цю картинку - і є підозра, що там права півкуля рофлить над лівою півкулею, чи навпаки. 😏

3 11


After the successful replication of Lucifer Sapiens, individuals were transferred to a small planet surrounded by a dome. The first generations were aware that they were an experiment, but for -security reasons- were executed after a short time & then replaced.

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Project Lucifer involved replication of individuals similar to male homo sapiens, but problems arose with some experiencing uncontrollable violent attacks. The Yamamoto installed bracelets on them that could anesthetize or even kill the wearer if necessary.

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The reports of the Lucifer ship were all lies, as the crew were actually kidnapped by the Titanides and taken to a satellite far from the solar system. There, they began to develop Project Lucifer, creating a new species called Lucifer Sapiens.

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Hey fuckheads, my account isn't for you.
All my characters are Sapient beings, your German Shepard isn't.
Get the fuck away from my damn account, and stay the fuck away from my characters.

26 245

I don't get how people dare to call flamigo a bland pokemon design when we've had a sapient pile of sidewalk gum since gen 1

6 86

I’m so happy for you fam ! Next stop Homo Sapien status 😉🔥

We growing, we vibing, we winning. LFV and welcome Miss G. You are a winner always 🌕

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A Nildoror, one of the sapient alien species from Robert Silverberg's excellent sci-fi book Downward to the Earth. Described as large green elephant-like creatures with three tusks, a fingered trunk, and a row of spines running down their backs.

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A sapient platypus alien?


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Sapient platypus alien, anyone?

134 1467

🍖Bone Grinder (Paradox Tinkaton)

Paradox Tinkaton is inspired by early hominidae such as Homo habilis, which was thought to be the first ancestor of Homo sapiens to use tools, as well as the trope of cavemen discovering fire.

569 2980

Tu mi cammini innanzi lenta come
una regina.
Regolo il mio passo
io subito destato dal mio sonno
sul tuo ch'è come una sapiente musica.
E possibilità d'amore e gloria
mi s'affacciano al cuore e me lo gonfiano.

Camillo Sbarbaro


🎨John Singer Sargent

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堤幸彦監督 × 本広克行監督 × 佐藤祐市監督




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I made him, but I'm not sure if it was safe to make Solarisapiens oc....

my oc, Theonova

21 86

よく見たら鉛筆の白文字、SUPER SAPIENSSだった😂

0 4

This is my take on a parasitic transformation, called Gastronaught. The little bugger inside is the transformation, which can only survive if its attached to this specific host species, so the watch has to provide it, even if it isn't sapient.

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