五叉路さん(@ Go_sarou)宅のクアちゃんとシアちゃんお借りしました…!色違いの双子ちゃん、とても好きです…!(∩´∀`)∩

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Another quick messaround before I get going...

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Punisher messarounds and I sorta just filled in parts with some stuff 🙃

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五叉路さん(@Go_sarou )宅の雄弐さんお借りしました…!

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This supposed to be only a sketch of Neah lol //rollsaround

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Now for my special series I'd like to call Your welcome!

10 24

Last week of our exhibition Chronicle by Paula Chahine, Nayla Saroufim and Marcel Rached @ Sana Gallery

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