I don’t take many selfies, but here’s a few 😅 https://t.co/OM1hd7o1uv

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Funny how, not liking selfies, I like to draw myself a lot

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Still sick, so gonna post some selfies, why not?

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Ok, here’s my

(I have so few selfies, so doing this wasn’t easy)

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My latest painting, Vanity! Exploring our own relationship with social media and selfies, available now from


Thanks for looking!

Mark x

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My works are expressionist antiselfies, tearing a hole in the fabric of narcissistic & fake celebrity selfie culture they also explore my reaction to my own death. they are based on drawings or selfies, computationally remixed then digitally painted.

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Something something, still suck at selfies, here's me and the kids~

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I'm not good with selfies, but I wanted to join in too. (/ω\)

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Green Toadette

Gender: Female

Green Toadette is a heroic girl who always loves her phone to watch cartoons, taking selfies, being strong and play Mario app games. She also fights enemies and other people who being evil. She does karate to fight enemies.

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Happy everyone! I know everyone's posting selfies, but I don't like most pictures I take of myself, and it takes A LONG TIME to get a good one.

So instead, have a drawing of Freya, a character from my W.I.P. comic who is canonically a lesbian.

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So I just learned it's and while I unfortunately don't have fresh art or selfies, I figured I might as well holler into the hashtag with some oldies-but-goodies regardless. ✨🐦🏳️‍🌈✨

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Hello I’m jojo and I’m a trans guy (he/him) who just got a new phone so I have no selfies, but what I do have, is this cursed nagito meme instead.....enjoy.

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I met the amazing and funny last Tuesday! No, like I met him IRL! Literally the coolest thing that happened this month meeting one of mah closest “new” friends, taking goofy selfies, and showing the REAL real me (please forget what I look like though, guys 🙈)!

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Hello !!! Im Sid!(She/Her) I make a webcomic and I'm trying to post more selfies, so here I am. 🌸

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in addition to cool art and cute selfies, i also make really horrible, super "late to the party" photoshop memes.

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The more selfies, the happier you will be, dish~

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Two new anti-selfies, “The Hulk and The Thing” canvasses are 30cm x 40cm

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Just some dramatic "artsy?" Selfies, cause got nothing to do and feeling very much alone coming home to an empty house.
Grey by suggestion.

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Vou voltar para a universidade em breve e dava jeito uns trocos, a renda não se paga sozinha lel.
Estou a fazer comissões super baratas com selfies, mais informações na thread
Retweetem mesmo que não estejam interessados, ajuda bastante :)

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Tried to get some Golden Hour selfies, but had to stretch out in the balcony to do so🤣

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