This was done for the Shallura Secret Santa 2017! <3

15 18

I love ’s witch AU, and i had this idea oh how Shiro and Allura meet 💜

150 273

Irreplaceable prompt for the holiday month,

7 15

Shallura Moon to the rescue!

65 143

my shallura son kuro
also looooovin csp's update😍

30 114

Holiday Celebration Days 12 and 13: "Irreplaceable" and Hurt/Comfort

In order to keep her kingdom and her secret lover safe, Snow Princess Allura finds herself being all but threatened with marriage from the power-hungry kingdom's heir. It's love or war.

38 84

Holiday Celebration Day 10: Snowy Days

The Snow Princess and Her Knight find sanctuary within the snow...

47 109

Holiday Celebration Day 9: **Snowball fights**/Ice skating

"Have mercy, Your Highness," he laughs as he grabs her arm that is wielding a snowball.

Her laugh is musical as she gazes down fondly at him, "Hmm...I shall spare you. For a kiss."

47 101

im playing catch up;;;;
still in love with that garrison au

19 31

Holiday Celebration Day 4: Garrison/Altea

feat. Prince Alfor and Altean!Shiro!

129 287

For Mykah’s () belated birthday!! 💕
Gimme Shiro with Black’s wings.

21 29

some quick princess/champion scribbles to catch up with days 1+2 for the celebration ✨
(and now i sleeeeep)

19 23

Day 2 Shallura Holiday Celebration: Gladiator

62 134

Holiday Celebration Day 1: Princess/Arurahime. Sir Shiro is captivated by Snow Princess Allura!

25 58

Shallura holiday celebration Day 1 Princess

54 123