Comenta y te doy un color para que pongas tus personajes favoritos de ese color.

Mis favoritoooos
Me dieron morado 😍💜😍

(Pongo a Sogo porque es el color morado en idolish7 y mi mas favorito uwu)

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Episode 87 was the best one of the season, and Sogo definitely a top 5 character in the show now

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Sogo Osaka – Tea Party (SSR)

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Just a quick drawing of my new OC's Amaya and Sogo. An evil undercover assassin that works in Sogos unit, which he is the chef from. I ship my own characters do much 😅😂

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I was staring too much at how pretty Sogo is, i didn't realize he gets the purple and pink flowers????

HELP MY SOUTENN HEART 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖💜💖

I mean he always gets purple and pink but of course i have to scream it 💕💕💕💕💕🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

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Sogo & Yuki & Minami – Shuffle Talk 2021 (SSR)

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Iori of course, but Sogo, Tamaki and Riku too! And I love his development so much! Anyway this is way too long so happy birthday Wingu and thanks for bringing Nagisa and Mitsuki to me!! 🧡💛🧡💛🧡💛

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Art raffle prize for !
They asked me to draw Sogo Osaka from IDOLiSH7! He‘s so pretty 😳

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Sogo & Yuki & Minami – Shuffle Talk 2021 (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Linked Feelings (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Linked Feelings (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Happy Sparkle Star! (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Mr.AFFECTiON (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Tea Party (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Forever Note (SSR)

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Sogo Osaka – Aihake! (SSR)

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i got: purpleeee 💜

does sogo even count as purple aksndndn also i need more ijeong pics

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