Streber and Kevin in Bluey, looking back I should have made Jack a black lab and Kevin a border collie...

133 1051

"I'm a vampire and I'll suck your blood if you don't give me these candies! Or I'll kiss you to death"

94 818

This has been rotting in my files for awhile. I'm not entirely happy with the design (Neither is he) Anyways, I might fix it up later. Here's Telecast Sad Fella.

1 11

I made a silly Spookymonth sona! Wanted to join everyone bc I love this lil' series so much!🎃🧠

10 47

Possible designs for Kevin and Streber Respectively a Stranger and a staff member

5 23

do you think Kevin the demon is fluffy or scaly?
I completely forgot about this sketch but now I can show it

68 833

[Not a ship post] I barely posts vids on twt but hello spooky month fandom

12 57