Joanne ada timeskip!

7 years trapped inside ice, changed her hair and eyes colour, kind of stunted her growth

0 6

[ pkmn/oc ] i love taking my most emotionally stunted characters and drawing them as angry as humanly possible

7 40

Mf do you not know what child neglect is.

Even if a kid's material needs are met, their emotional needs still have to be considered or else their development will be stunted.

The series makes blatantly clear that Lusamine, while not evil, is still neglectful.

56 326

i hope you have a good halloween and don’t forget to be safe and don’t pull any dangerous stunts okay? i.. i just don’t want you to get hurt 🥺

18 341

[WIP?] Seems like Riedel is NOT happy with the stunt his big friend pulled on him, much to the demon orc's mild amusement...

Pretty dang late for Orctober, but yeah here's an orc character that I've been wanting to bring to life since like last year lmao

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Work has been stunting my drawtober productivity BUT! I drew this mummy art of my girl Reishi and little fey friend Jeremy UwU

9 35

I am gay, I am Nonbinary, and I am ME. I am not some ‘mysogynistic stunt’ Dana Metcalfe keeps preaching about. I am HUMAN. And yes; I WILL be getting surgery when I’m able. My female chest is not mine, and never will be. The day that I get surgery, I will show my scars PROUDLY.

5 43

I need to draw Manty doing more dangerous stunts.

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Raiding the ruins for Refractors, Volnutt is about to pull a stunt he heard about in the magazine store.

143 448

Stunted Wings is my first authorial webcomic story that I've been developing since last year 💕


3 9

That’s right my friend!! Tater Town is my home and it’s pretty gnarly here! Ride or Fry!

6 8

Wish drawing didn’t feel like such a chore nowadays. Ootd cause I love stunting on my nice old lady coworkers

9 53

day 18: Meal time! Gotta say, Crab n Go has a major case of stunt food syndrome.

6 18

This little guy has a habit of seeing the world through rose tinted glasses. He assumes the best in everyone and is overly naive about reality (more so than is usual for his age). Sheltering has stunted him emotionally, so everyone keeps an eye on him or he’ll wander into trouble

0 5

Mika found a cool jacket in her closet!
She stuntin' on em fr fr

2 17

done with G1 Revamped Wheeljack!
Ark 1's wacky mechanic and eldest member of the crew, once a famous stunt driver who's carrier was cut short by a disastrous accident that had his face as victim. His answer? "Oh well, one less thing to worry about :)"

35 180

stunt was so inspiring and hilarious so:
I'll do 2 (✨I'm not that crazy✨) hand weight lifts every time when I see a picture of f!Leo.

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