삼성역 티컵 까페에서 '준면이의 방' 이라는 컨셉으로 예쁜 컵홀더 이벤트중이라고 해요!
협력해드린 그림올려봅니다😀💕

👇자세한 사항은 아래 해시태그에서♡

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here we go!!! Happy birthday to our lider (the best lider), Suho aka kimjuncotton 🐰❤️

I love you so much you should know 🤧🤙🏻

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You deserve the universe and all the light that exists. Thank you for always giving me strength. I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday, my bunny. 💞🐰💖 (i love you too, Sehun >_<).

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Happy Birthday to the most caring and adorable leader junmyeon ❤❤😭 you deserve the world!! I love you my king!

(thats the best i can do so far sorry qwq)

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For our bunny leader, who always tries his best in everything : Be happy! 🐰💕#KimJunCottonDay

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둘 다 얼굴이 잘나온 건 아니지만 쿵짝 잘맞는거 넘 귀엽다구요 오구오구👍🏻💙 항상 무대에서도 무대 아래에서도 귀여운 울 흰둥이즈ㅋㅋㅋ 오늘 내내 준면이에게 행복만 가득하구 상냥한 하루이기를🥰❤️❤️

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울 토끼왕쟈 준면아 ㅜㅜ 진짜 진짜 사랑햇 생일축하해 🥰💕💖✨

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Happy birthday to our precious leader, Kim JunMyeon.

I know this shirt is from long time ago but, I really loved this outfit.

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