Next up on Space Realm Day 2 is the Beast of the Mountains, the Kriegox (Cry-gox). Fierce and Ferocious ,

Ice courses through the veins of this fierce predator. Once locked in its grip the end is near.

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“We breathe air exhaled from trees whose leaves are made of starlight… Our veins echo the patterns of rivers, branches, and root systems. We are not a part of Nature. We are Nature.”

— Marysia Miernowska

[ Art • “Nature’s Embrace” by Joanna Wedrychowska ]

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the power rushing through our veins after mutually hyping up our ships… TOGETHER:

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Decided to Redesign Ignatius to look more like the other half of her family, after making the family tree for oc I realized she look Too saiyan for the percent that’s actually flowing through her veins 💀

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Hi Jord
Blood rush
Feeling life in veins

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Renew inside job or give it to a company that will give it the life it deserves

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Seriously tho, what exactly does Brett do in the company??? Counselor? Ambassador?

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"I have no fear, for the blood of the lightwalker clan course through my veins. Their legacy is my spear, and their memory - my shield. Their courage lives on in us through our names.

Be gone, Khaonai, and go back to the abyss!"

Parrot: "back to the abyss!"

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All of these thoughts runnin' through my head
Arm on fire, veins burnin' red
Frustration is gettin' bigger
Bang, bang, bang, pull my Devil Trigger

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The next day they have a snowball fight, im making my own canon now!

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Go get


inject this greasy goodness of a game into your soul and veins~ 🍕🧡

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Albert concept sheet hot diggity
hi-res big boy image up on Patreon~

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Aphrodite: a sadistic bitch that know the truth from the start and prefere ranged attacks. Too obsessed with the beauty and forgotten after sanctuary saga

Albafica: a cold but kind man with poison in his veins and that wuoldn't hesitated to punch you in the face.

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