Madeleine, the direct observation of the model is so immediate! This is my favorite male nude by Watteau. xx

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去年、一瞬テレビに映った藤田嗣治の天井画を見て思い出したのが、WatteauのThe love songと言われる作品。二人の構図、背景の光、サーモンピンクのドレス、男性の帽子の形と赤いベストが似ていて、背後の二人の女性は藤田作品では二匹の犬に置き換えられているが、寄りかかった天使は両作品に共通。

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Un 30 de mayo, pero de 1770, moría el pintor F. Boucher, máximo representante -junto a Fragonard y Watteau- de la pintura rococó francesa. Sus delicados retratos de corte y escenas campestres cuelgan de museos como , y .

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Grab one of the remaining spots in our 'Rococo Rhythm' art workshop run by artist Sara Roberts. Work directly from the paintings of Boucher, Fragonard & Watteau recreating their painted world. Book at:

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Jean-Antoine Watteau's "The Scale of Love" (c.1715)

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Love is in the air! In Jean-Antoine Watteau's pictures this often literally seems to be the case. The Love Lesson, c. 1717:

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Happy Birthday to Antoine Watteau, born on this day 1684. Can you find the woman to the left in the drawing transferred into the painting?

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Jean-Antoine Watteau was born in 1684. His painting ‘The Scale of Love’ is on display in Room 33:

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Thank you!
Have a wonderful weekend!

Jean-Antoine Watteau

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The French painter Jean-Antoine Watteau died in 1721.

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The main focus of Watteau's 'The Scale of Love' is a guitar player in his theatrical costume and the girl seated at his feet.

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From Watteau to David: 21 Mar — 21 Jul 2017 at Petit Palais

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Visitez la magnifique expo «De Watteau à David,la Boucher, Greuze, Fragonard...✾

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1718, Parigi. Watteau dipinge Pierrot, figura monumentale e malinconica che sederà poi al tavolo di Picasso per un bilancio esistenziale.

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Watteau's "Les Plaisirs du Bal" (c.1717) @ Dulwich Picture Gallery

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Antoine Watteau


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