I joined Parler! You need to know what is going on 😜#whatwouldgodthink
What do you think?

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WHAT WOULD GOD THINK? By Luna Walter is a a controversial story about genetically modified human clones and a threesome relationship.#whatwouldgodthink Find out more:https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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What happened next? https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ Look for WHAT WOULD GOD THINK? By Luna Walter in Amazon Or download it from Patreon.#Whatwouldgodthink

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To Bella he was formidable; but in truth, he was just a boy!#whatwouldgodthink

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How do you react when you are frightened? FIGHT or hide ???

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They were genetically modified human clones but that didn’t make it right to try and kill them.
FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS: https://t.co/y9StJylMSU

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WHAT WOULD GOD THINK by Luna Walter is a story inspired by a vivid dream. I recorded my dream by drawing thousands of pictures and you can see them all in context, and read the story: https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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Zak and Joe were very possessive and did not like anyone else to get to close . If they were separated from each other, they would suffer from fits .#whatwouldgodthink FIND OUT MORE:https://t.co/y9StJylMSU

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Zak and Joe were not twins they were genetically modified human clones; they communicated telepathically and could not bare to be parted.
Follow their fully illustrated story in Patreon : https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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It was OK for Zak and Joe to cuddle and kiss all the time when they were little, but as they got older it started to make people feel very uncomfortable. Were the clones gay ?
Find out:https://t.co/GoAn5ubAaB

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Don’t fall out over trivial things.

Just remember you love each.

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Zak was so good looking he could get away with anything!
Next weeks chapter:https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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Should Bella feel scared? Find out in this weeks chapter on Patreon:https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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This was a very complexed relationship. Find out why:https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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‘The Stairway ‘ Oil on Board See more of my paintings in the gallery: https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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When God closes a door, somewhere he opens a window ❤️🙏🌹#whatwouldgodthink

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Zak and Joe were not twins, they were genetically modified human clones.#whatwouldgodthink
FIND OUT MORE:https://t.co/y9StJylMSU

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“Young Love” Oil painting portrait for commission.
See more paintings in the gallery: https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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Bella never accepted Joe’s bad behaviour, she just never gave up on him.#whatwouldgodthink
Find out more:https://t.co/uTzRLpniiJ

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