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Happy birthday to Kuwashima Houko (@roudokuya_dajai), the voice of Amano Nene, Lilithmon, Cutemon, the Pickmons, Taiki's Mother, and Tobari Ren in Digimon Xros Wars, as well as reprising the role of Cutemon in Digimon Adventure:!
#Digimon #デジモン
I really love the sketchy lines that some official art from the Xros Wars era had. It was so unique...
Happy birthday to Okiayu Ryotaro (@chikichikiko), the voice of Lord Knightmon in Digimon Frontier and Digital Monster X-evolution, Grademon in Digimon Xros Wars, and Devimon in the Digimon Adventure PSP game, Digimon Adventure:, and Digimon New Century!
#Digimon #デジモン
@DigimonDaily @Dorumiko I know that Shoutmon might not be really underrated as much as before, but im pretty sure this Xros Form iss. its a shame cuz its my fav: Shoutmon EX6
THREAD: I rewatched all 246 episodes of "modern age" #Digimon (Savers, Xros Wars, App Monsters, Adventure:) in their original Japanese. While my memory's fresh, I'd like to rank my ten favorite episodes from this era. #DigimonGhostGame is excluded as it only just began. #デジモン
@BlueIkeTweets Difference between Xros Wars/Fusion and Adventure (2020)
¡Volvemos a actualizar el hilo de #Digimon que no tenían Perfil, pero ahora sí!
Comenzamos con Shortmon, original del manga de Digimon Xros Wars, y quien al final ha sido de Nivel Campeón/Adult 🍰
Perfil traducido: https://t.co/oS8CTeiEmH
Tuit del hilo: https://t.co/kxWpuAuQ0G
@RingtailBear same as usual for them - nothing new - and to this day i still have the dream to have a 3d model of Shoutmon Ex6 - my all time favorite Xros form. massive TTGL energy.
Pues nada, subo un dibujo que tenía en la recamara hace mucho!!! =)
Shoutmon es un pequeño digimon cuyas emociones y pasión hacen que su energía aumente, cuanto más enfadado esté más fuerte es.
Digimon protagonista de Xros Wars!!
Dadle Like y RT si os gusta!!! =)
Thinking about how xros wars wanted mervamon to have a younger brother so badly that they skipped over minervamon entirely
Digimon Xros Wars and Young Hunters get such a bad rep and it makes me sad
Xros Wars had cool action and the BEST ost, and really got better as it went along. (Nene🥺💖)
YH is so fun and charming and full of heart! I wish it had gotten the chance and time to be a proper season!!