They met in the wood 🌿🌿 🐥🦊 🌿🌿

1358 6626

в забытом мире, городе жила девица
великим самураям от любви не спится
лица жадные горят, как не влюбиться
но в хитрых девичьих глазах кошмар таится

20 121

Grown Asuka 😳 Fire is a good look for her…

8 71

When you take your gfs to lunch after they work out 🥰

51 307

Little baby sketch this morn

2 40

Hiyo I posted the 2/2 update to my winter/holiday-themed fic, happy new year everyone! May 2022 be great for all of you + if you're pulling for Yae in 2.5 atb ✨

🍾 15k words, overall fluffy
🍷 ft many tropes bc why not?
🥂 + "there is only one bed??"

links below 🎉

29 80

yaesara concept

10 62

Prepare for Christmas!

I know it's late but take it.

72 411

Y: my my~ so you really are wearing it! So cute 🥰
S: j- just this once- I will not wear this again next year!


32 120

*Looks at eimikosara*
You know what.... I like this dynamic
*Post a fluff fanfic on ao3 about them*

26 171


One of my favorite yuri ships

8 35