Remember the weight / fat / flab chart? People kept saying bigger, so i did the yamper bigger.. fatter! x3

(there's an extra one? ;3)

63 282

Pastel Yamper, good boy!

2 6

After seeing Spicy as a furret, a friend of mine suggested I give Spicy yamper a spin. And with that heart butt marking, how could I say no?

6 23

I drew Yamper and Mudkip for my friend ☺️

7 13

Yamper + Cutiefly Fusion! 🐝

4 7

Haru's would definitely be yamper. She likes corgis. And makar's would absolutely be zigzagoon. Just a good lad to run around with. And it matches his level of derp

0 6

Dan lagi (masih lanjut) setelahnya ditunjukkin Rena beberapa kali sengaja ngabaikan Faisal, jadi Faisal kan makin ngerasa 'gagal' sebagai penjaganya. Eh begitu Sembilan pulang Rena langsung nyamperin, wajar banget Faisal "cemburu" walopun gak dalam arti romantis

0 6

RTs and suggestions appreciated💕
Hi friends, I'm in the works of making new stickers, like this yamper one here! Wolf Link has been really successful in terms of sales, which means that a lot of people really favor dog-related peekers..? 🧵

1 3

Part of me feels bad I didn't do anything to celebrate jubilee, but then I remember I hate parties lmao.
At least we got an extended weekend.
I dunno, here's a yamper.

0 4

Maybe this shortstack fatass wide corgi yamper boyo? x3

0 5

Sonia & Yamper, Marnie & Morkpeko ⚡️⚡️

41 108

I watched randomly a Pokemon Fusion 3 video and I couldn't not see this cutiepie: Yampa, the fusion between Drampa and Yamper. Isn't it adorable Dragon/Electric and has an evolution :D 10/10 would huh and love forever :)

3 9

Starting to think this little loaf looks more like a tequeño (Venezuelan cheese stick.)

1 9

The (fan)artist The art

Mode nyamperin kantor ayang 🤣

10 100

Watch out, Kristina. Looks like it's bouta fall on you.
...Wait, Where's the spoon?

3 15