新刊「SANALIMINAL(サナリミナル)」のサンプルです。A5サイズ/28P/300円です!コミケ情報はHPの方で更新予定ですので、どうぞ宜しくお願いします~ https://t.co/wK4ieBES3n

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Come and see exhibition at opening tomorrow at 1pm!

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"Do you Believe in Subliminal Messages" PLUS New painting @ http://t.co/j3A3xMhQeh

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Liminal (for Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh) - detail, 2014

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Rebecca Clark: Liminal (for Caoimhín Ó Raghallaigh)

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Are you hungry for another "from sketch to the illustration" piece? Check out this one about subliminal advertisi...

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Subliminal batman is a Drawception meta-game. Can you spot batman in the drawing? More here: http://t.co/yzFm2hDKL8

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'Can U C the Hidden Message in our Art? Or are U a <bm> Clo'!!

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