have you seen this amazing art yet? layers with different states, you can change the position and remove the visibility! imagine the possibilities !!!

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A futuristic, bounty hunter has landed at

Change up Atena's outfit, her weapon of choice, move her spaceship, and even turn into zombie mode all thanks to the customizable options created.

Available for bidding: https://t.co/sRLoal1Ys8

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Nostalgic and meditative, each Layer in 's "RYB" is a separate memory.

Owners may use their Layers as detailed and bright as the day they were created, or allow them to fade and pixellate independently.

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The last few hours of Apollo. Fading. Until next month. Adieu.


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J'ai toujours trouvé Superman flippant.
Un gamin de ferme du plus profond des USA, avec des pouvoirs divins, et un sens de la morale qui ne tolère aucune incartade.
Injustice Year One et Red Son traitent très bien de ce malaise.

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𝙄𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙤𝙨 𝙙𝙚 𝘽𝙖𝙧𝙦𝙪𝙞𝙨𝙞𝙢𝙚𝙩𝙤.

Desde que supe de él, Sr Argenis "Loco de la pancarta" me pareció interesante, sin embargo cuando lo vi andar por las calles entendí lo importante e inspirador de su lucha.

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this w/ is the bad dude from

the 11x14" original is up for sale in my on the line shop for anyone interested.


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