Valentine commish for Serafiana! I had a lot of fun with this one 💕

6 24

Mysteries and Dark Dreams: Photography by Nona Limmen vía

3 4

"'The Act of Creation' by Meller Photography

5 12

30 de las más potentes fotografías jamás tomadas (parte II) vía

6 18

"'Siesta Key Beach, Miami' by Michael Marcheco

3 8

The Universe in You, experimento fotográfico sencillamente genial de Milena S.

0 0

"'Ode to Brassi-Morning fog from The Street Hamilton' by Colin Marcano

2 8

estaba aburrida...sorry not sorry uwu (caligrafia horrible :'v)

0 2

Damian Drewniak Fotografia

7 13