Do you accept a humanoid robot when it's clown-like? Making Robotnik a clown fucker lol.

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A commission to start the New Year off with OC with AoStH’s Dr. Robotnik


3 7

It’s The Genius with an IQ of 300, “DR. GIGGLEY MAN”-
oh no wait I mean 🥚👨‍🔧

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every day of my life i wake up and think about Them

10 22

Прикрыть глаза, касаясь волос человека. Забывать все - разногласия, неприязнь. Ощущать, как рушатся внутренние барьеры. Растворятся в ощущениях, касаниях. Чувствах.

1 44

- Прекрати курить при мне. - Айво зло смотрит на девушку, морщится от табачного дыма. - Ты куришь как паравоз.
- Ты меня бесишь. А когда меня что-то бесит - я курю. - Нахальный взгляд серых глаз, высокий лоб, бритые виски.

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To cover your eyes by touching the person's hair. To forget everything-disagreements, hatred. To feel the inner barriers crumbling. To dissolve in sensations, touches. In feelings.

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"Stop smoking in front of me." Ivo glares at the girl, wincing at the smoke. "You smoke like a steam train."
"You're pissing me off. And when something pisses me off, I smoke." Cheeky gray eyes, high forehead, shaved temples.

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Based on a conversation from the Lee-discord.
Robotnik tries to eat/chew everything he thinks is interesting and Stone probably has to pull a lot of dangerous stuff out of his mouth.

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First post of 2021
Father Robotnik here to bless your new year and make sure it goes well

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Amy doing fortune telling and Robotnik selling them Sonic ice cream bars!!

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The Doctor Robotnik Appreciation Tribe (or DRAT, for short) are a community of Robotnik supporters, worshipping him and trying to continue his legacy. They were led by Grand Chief Whip, and were a general hindrance to Sonic and co. before they were finally arrested in Issue

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He made it just in time :’)

(a short stobotnik comic) [#agentstone ] 1/3

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You gotta wonder what was Robotnik thinking when designing these boss fights.

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as voted by you all, here's a :3c i'd like to gift this piece to our resident Robotnik-lover , who has been a creative powerhouse, total inspiration and absolute sweetheart for as long as i've known her and well before 🥰

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