Could be dishonored's whaler Thomas, but i dunno. Just made a quick pretty face cause it's been a long time since last i drew something just because

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character references drawn in april (only Jered's is outdated for now)

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Happy Birthday

You've 'tortured' me with this image, and long joked that i should draw it so at long last here it is.

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as i said, 'inspired', my wings are drawn, the pose isn't exactly the same, font is not the same, effects on font are not the same, but yeah, i get it that is very similar. but i swear i did not try to copy this how it is

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Day Three: Fire: Winifred's Inner Power


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Today's Red's birthday! I haven't drawn him in a while so here are some older pics. Happ Birf to this joker 🥳🔱

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just watching rupaul's drag race and sketching in between other things 🥰💕 this is Red's character, Kenji

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The climactic, deadly confrontation between Batman and Deadshot! Alfred's life hangs in the balance! To save the man who is like a father to him, will Batman have to violate one of his most deeply held convictions? Order Batman Sins of the Father HERE:

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Getting art on art fight wanted me to draw my own OCS again 😤😤 Red's getting tired of saving Parsley after a failed expiriment💁‍♀️

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Red can represent passion and love, but also war and power. What kind of 'red' does this young queen represent?

"Red Queen" by GjschoolArt:

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A new set of prints to be made with my 'cosmical' theme. A2 'Octopus frenzy red'.

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This is a I did of the / / / .
I love Alfred's even though he only is an SR.....

PS: (Cain, Ruby & Rue are broken....)

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I drew me and red's avatars at Disney World on my spare time.

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In "1984" Orwell created a dictatorship that literally erased people from History by destroying images of them. Orwell took the idea from Communism. Stalin & Mao Zedong regularly erased "problematic" comrades from the Historical photo-record. It meant they had been 'disappeared'

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'Smiling while injured' damaged art emblem can actually exist now OH MY GOD <3


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We take that character we don't like and try to give them a good reboot for

I think Coconut Fred's biggest problem in its attempt at being Spongebob (from what I remember anyways) is that there really was no sense of "normal", and it was just non-stop crazy...

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Forgot to share this before: the current WIP of the Lil-Red's bedroom pic! I still need to design the room and color.

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Things changed a lot since the time of early designs. And it's beautiful to see how things evolved since the first scraps to and full game. So proud of how things grown so well and community & critics are loving it so bad! 😍❤️#TormentedFathers

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'Red', A nebula who enjoys torturing people and making them bleed

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