I should start posting art on my twitter, youknow, like a weeb.

2 9

Thor hit an enemy with force that created a black hole & sucked his opponent into it. Mind = blown.

1 0

T. E. Lawrence lost the manuscript of "The Seven Pillars of Wisdom" at Reading railway station.

91 136

Vladimir Nabokov ("Lolita") was a lepidopterist (a specialist in butterflies).

68 90

As the cover didn't make it to show, I can share it with you now :)

1 2

Peter Parker's most bizarre transformation till date is when he turned into a literal giant spider.

0 0

457~577 Yunho from 東方神起 Burning Down

Changmin from 東方神起 Into The Water

39 32

Different customisations affect sushi's performance! Here's some boring data on wheels :D

3 2

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry never saw his book "The Little Prince" published in his home country (France).

156 147

Optimus Prime and Eeyore were voiced by the same person, Peter Cullen!

1 1

John Steinbeck’s original manuscript for "Of Mice and Men" was eaten by his dog (a setter named Toby)

99 95


YUNHO from 東方神起 Burning Down

83 54