Annin Doufu designed the 2019 Racing Miku character which will adorn GSR’s Mercedes-AMG GT3 - and be sold as collectible figures this year.

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Y aquí les traigo finalmente a mi OC Yin haciendola de renita ahora que ya estamos a pocos días de festejar la navidad y aprovecha a ayudar con los adornos...

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Midwinter Moon 💙🦊🌙❄️ Featuring a vibrant but whimsical fantasy vixen, backlit by the December Cold Moon; it is snowing, and ice and stardust adorn her fire red pelt.

Available directly from me as prints and cards, and on my store at

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El Greco, The Adoration of the Shepherds (1612-1614) . Originally intended to adorn the burial place of the Theotocopuli family at the convent of Santo Domingo del Antiguo (Toledo).

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estoy en un dilema, no se si hacer un adorno navideño de en su versión realista o en versión chibi

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Dyed horsehair collar worn for the Choctaw stickball game, collected before 1828 and possibly the oldest surviving example of this type of adornment. As described by George Catlin after witnessing a Choctaw ballgame in present-day Oklahoma in 1834, ballp…

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Here’s some cute fanart by support buddy Laniv. It’s a cold night tonight...perfect for bounding through Donkey Kong Island in Tropical Freeze, or maybe visiting the ice-adorned mountains of K3.

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This week we are featuring who is known for her curvy and colourful line drawings that adorn many wonderful children's books.

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Christmas time is here again! Your fennec emperor's favorite time of year, and he will let you know by adorning himself with a variety of pics of his royal self in cute outfits ;) Enjoy! (artwork by Brindle)

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We could stare at this illustration by all day (it's even 's desktop wallpaper) 👉👂 You'll find it in adorning the flash fiction story 'In One Ear' by

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Get in the Christmas spirit and join Larry Walshe’s Winter Wreath making workshop in our Conservatory. A fabulous wreath to adorn your home. Book your space before it’s too late!

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26 containers crammed with at least a couple of hundred cuttings adorn our kitchen windowsill
The trouble is when I cut plants back for winter storage I can’t bring myself to throw the excess material away I just have to use it to propagate new plants 🌱

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This is a wallpaper mural I created back in 2014 for a burger bar in Southampton. It was a great project to work on and it was wonderful to see my work adorning the walls of the restaurant

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〝You,〞Started Jin, adorning a bright smile while pointing as , a sparkle glistening within his red orbs. 〝Be my talking, flying cat!~〞

After all, the Jaecheondaesong had always preferred cats ever since his battle against ‘that damned fox,’ was it so wrong to ask?

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Andrew Ferneyhough's "Flight Lessons" explores the idea of a rooster adorned with a jet pack is this fun, surrealist piece. It's one of many incredible works of art in our new collection! See it at:

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The Roman Emperor Elagabalus, would dance around the Baetylus to the sound of drums, anointing the stone with oil. On the Summer Solstice feast the meteorite was covered with raw wool & placed on a chariot adorned with gold & jewels to parade about.

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adorned with original hand painted available singly or save by the pack - watch for more! @

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2 new oil paintings adorn our walls, from Gerald Green. These beauties are classy paintings indeed, with classy frames, beautifully hand-finished with great attention to detail, by Gerald's wife, Di - team work!

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Sometimes I like to adorn strange landscapes into today's for you. :)

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Les traigo garabujitos de dia de muertos para que adornen su timeline :3

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