padawan!ben solo (and that lil braid heh)

33 113

messy doodle o & filipino street food (ノ*°▽°*)

cuz i'm finally home now so i can eat as much as i can yeee

84 192

The Last One of Your Kind // Kylo and Rey

26 65

Ben watching HoloNet breaking news about senator Leia Organa and her real father (yup, we are reading "Bloodline" - me and my son. we need a book from you about Ben Solo, plz. We are so ready for it😊 )

287 1278

- I want you to join me. We can rule together and bring a ne...

118 507

You think Kylo Ren is irredeemable? Well, Rey have bad news for ya.

190 543

I drew The Emperor for The Reylo Tarot Project. It was both a challenge and an exciting experience.
Please, take a look at all the amazing contributions of other artists at

67 215

"Rey KNEW where she was. When she turned her neck, she saw him. Kylo Ren sleeping deeply. His bare back, in the diffused light, rose end fell slowly, like the sea on a calm day. Rey found herself in his mind. He loves her."

237 806

“The movement of the strobe lights follows the rhythm of the music, throwing on the people a psychedelic illumination alternated with shadows. Now Adam is purple, sometimes blue, sometimes red-lightsaber. Always handsome.”

27 172

Just give me a reason, some kind of sign
I’ll need a miracle to help me this time
I heard what you said and I feel the same
I know in my heart that I’ll have to change

63 179

Hey Twitter people the nice people who still follow me even though I haven't been tweeting much. Scratch that. At all lately.
I have with his momma for mothers day . Even if its a little messy and a little late I really liked it and so did my mom^^

17 51