Those at the center are being infected by yokai slime. It will envelope the whole body like a cocoon and the victims will turn to yokai SOON. The school girls at the left and right are yokai-hunters. They are being guarded by their bio-engineered baby spirit guardians or wtvr.

1 9

Para este domingo jujuju

Cada uno 1 solcito como los demás stickers UWU
si alguien quiere que le guarde uno me avisa!

12 63

Gaia, the Mother Earth, created the world. Her twins - Sun and Moon - guarded through the days and the nights. Sun was the guardian of the day, who shone bright and strong.

2 6

Been listening the 4th Pv song in different languages for "Violet Everguarden" and it's making me very excite bike

0 0

Feeding birds, a tradition originally meant to keep the birds away from crops by appeasing them in winter. In Finnish folklore, birds carried the soul of a person, & guarded their sleep. When a person died, the soul-bird took the soul with them.

22 67

Surely someone could use this for his game? Quest like that: Town/village hires the PCs to look into why the majority of men are gone missing, leaving the city unguarded & wifes without their husband.

3 11

Como los dos se quedaron en la tierra,es posible que suceda algo entre ellos? :v
ahre alta teoría guarden este twett :v

14 41

Poor Rosamund the Fair, kept by Henry II in a secret bower in Godstow Nunnery, protected by a labyrinth & guarded by a knight holding the end of a silver thread. One dark evening, jealous Queen Eleanor killed the guard, followed the thread & poisoned Rosamund.

45 127

Mega-Guardevoir wurde aus dem UnderUsed gebannt! Alle Infos:

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I loved this drawing. I'll keep it in a box, and when the world ends, this drawing will be guarded, protected.

0 1

The Emperor teaches that “An open mind is like a fortress with its gate unbarred and unguarded.”

0 1

"You're not so tough!"

--NSFW RP Account
--Arrogant / Prideful
--Keeps His Heart and Ass Guarded
--Is Tougher Than You, Fool

55 148

Gotta make sure the Star or the Show's body is well guarded hehe💦💦
Commission for Garmera (FA)

10 81

The treasure is guarded by monsters, puzzles, and countless traps.
So what are we waiting for? The Adventure starts here!


26 178

【開封レビュー】Guardess in Eden/ガーデスインエデン ~大海放っ!!!~ (11個目~20個目) ★アソート情報付き

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【Guardess in Eden】コミケにお越しいただいた皆さんありがとうございました。ガーデスインエデン~大海放っ!!!~は本日発売です!

19 24

【Guardess in Eden】遂に明後日11日からコミケが開催!ガーデスインエデンブースにて商品の無料サンプリングを実施します♪

37 47

【Guardess in Eden】夏全開!!皆さん夏を満喫していますか?来週のコミケに行ってさらに夏を盛り上げましょう☆

6 12

Machomei GX, Alola-Sleimok GX & Guardevoir GX aus SM3

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