у меня такое тело ватное болит и мысли плывуt ощущение будто сплю....
зато казуху дорисовала'))

0 8

I'm excited to reveal my retro Genshin Sticker Pack 2! The stickers will soon be on my etsy store - link in my bio!

0 9

I was woke up too early now it's everyone else's problem.

1 3

I don't have many ideas and I don't have inspiration ñwñ

3 7


29 193

🎶 “rant to me, i like the sound, i like your voice, i like your mouth” 🎶

64 221

is my first try drawing someone under a tree, perhaps the lights looks weird, but still i think all the other things are well done atleast.

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