Hipsters in a ball pool. for Journal 16 + The Age Report, Narcissistic Millennials

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Cersei Lannister's GOT plagiarism:"mine will be the last face you ever see before you die". A few millennia too late?

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Hate mail from indie bands might be a gauge of your millennials problem: Ex Cops v McDonald's http://t.co/WyOXYe254K

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great infographic about Millennials by GoldmanSachs http://t.co/kvK03AKnos http://t.co/kvK03AKnos

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News of imminent Pearl Harbor attack leaks on twitter.

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- How Many are Actually 'Living with their Parents'? http://t.co/dszEByjaBq

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- How Many are Actually 'Living with their Parents'? http://t.co/q4kuMRhXwc

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