"Wilbur said he wasn't gonna hurt me!"

26 217

"I say if we can't have manberg no one, no one can have manberg!"

74 713

‘s newest animation huh,,, had to redraw at least one shot and chose this one cuz uh it’s very pog mm😔👌

1 14

Another redraw of ‘s animatic !! Thought this shot looked pog😔😔👊

1 6

Yes, I'm proud please actually don't let this flop :'(
Redraw a scene from
's vid. The vid. Was. Epic omg.

3 12

POG !!! frame one is complete !! 4 more 2 go, maybe another one if i feel like it

1 14

I did a screencap redraw of SAD’S animatic! I really love this scene so much.

2 106