De Chirico. Cristo issato sulla Croce 1950

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The 3rd manga classics reveal!! The Count of Monte Cristo! Amazing artwork by Nokman Poon. Coming in summer of 2015!

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I Geni dell'Arte
Compianto sul Cristo morto -
Alte Pinakothek di Monaco di Baviera.

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I need to touch.

Cristo velato (Giuseppe Sanmartino, 1753)
Cappella Sansevero (NA)

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From Count of Monte Cristo (remake oops c:)

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Pietro ci ripensa e al "Quo vadis?" del Cristo ritorna a Roma ed accetta la croce. Annibale Carracci 1602

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Had a few requests for the Monte Fuctifino matcap - was by MonteCristo I think

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New artwork for sale! - "Entry to San Cristobal" -

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