I said it once, said it prolly more than is necessary, but, again, is a project/community in its own league.

Not in competition
Under-promising but over-delivering


56 141

Pepes dong better this month , here what I got from amazing artists.🎨☕️😍

11 35

just purchased my new ape

22 63

we're giving away to one lucky holder of our project

mint is tomorrow night... turn on post notifications or miss out...

whitelist = free, 1 per wallet
public = 0.0069Ξ, 3 per tx

want a FREE mint...?
1. Follow
2. Like + RT
3. Tag 1 Apepe

457 556

you're still early, but we are coming much sooner than expected... turn on post notifications or else...

the trippy traits are INSANE

imagine a pixelated pairing? want a FREE mint...?

1. Follow
2. Like + RT
3. Tag 1 Apepe

10 winners...

223 266


11 27

Did someone say ??? 🐸🐵🚀

2PA = 1PM Matching traits guarantee the mutant trait while unmatching will be a 50/50 toss between the 2 traits.

Mutants are a seperate holder benefit than the portal multiverse.

202 397

Transcending time and space with my trippy apes 🔥🔥🔥#PAYC

26 72

Aped into hard! Pepes have dominated the market this month and it's not even yet! Plus Founders/Community are killing it. I'm following all PAYC holders. Post your Ape!🦍

Blessing a lucky follower with this TRIPPY APE. Interact w/ this to be entered! 🐸🍄🍀

228 419

beep bop pixelated robot

want a FREE mint...?

1. Follow
2. Like + RT
3. Comment your favorite skin trait + Tag 1 Apepe

the pixelated apepes are coming to a blockchain near you SOON... turn on post notifications...

166 213


4 winners!! Every sale off public for the next 48hrs counts as a raffle entry!!
🚀Tag 3

119 189

the top hat is too drippy

we've got a couple hundred dms to go through today, be ready to respond when we reach out, we're coming soon...

want a chance at a FREE mint...?

1. Follow
2. Like + RT
3. Tag 1 Friend

is coming...

202 247

this is a whole vibe... the trippy traits are fire

want a chance to mint a FREE pixelated apepe...?

1. Tag 1 Apepe
2. Like + RT
3. Comment your ETH Address

keep your dms open...

207 268

FP is climbing steadily. Two days ago there were about 1700 Pepes for sale, today there are under 900 available.

The sort out the paperhands.

Follow for more updates on the project. Big things coming!

15 31

this pixelated likes to smoke...

want a FREE mint...?

1. Tag 1 Apepe
2. Like + RT
3. Comment your ETH Address

going to dm 10 apepes tonight...

456 584

the golden pixel is vibing

do you vibe with pixel apepes? Like + RT to get a chance to mint for FREE... comment your wallet address

135 201

Impromptu Diabolical El pepe collosal pepe diamonds pepettes giveaway....👈 blame the spaces...🤣🤣🤣 basicallyyyy giveaway on this post!!!
Raid this now!!! Put the pepe hashtags! Post your memes!! Random winner chosen within the next hour!!

74 146

Just got my fourth . Everyone needs some gum.

9 33


Do you like Apes? Do you like Pepe? Then this MEMETASTIC giveaway is for YOU!🐸🐵

🎁Prizes:🐸1 x NFT🐵

To Enter:
✅Follow +
✅Tag 3 Degens

212 248