Official WW84 trailer went live & I can't wait for June'20. So here's a repost my fanart, plus a modified version for the occassion.😊😁

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Release The Snyder Cut 🇺🇸 and Snyder Cut dhikhao 🇮🇳

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このクリップを見て(Thor: Ragnarokで使われた曲だと知らずに) 、おぉっ素晴らしいシーン!と思ったんですが、実際『ジャスティス・リーグ』で使われているのがジョン・ウィリアムズ版と分かって映画館でがっかりした記憶が。ザック版はいかに?

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just went for the kill.

Here we have the Snyder Cut.

Holy mother of God.

This is it.

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de Justice League : au tour d'Henry Cavill et du scénariste Chris Terrio de revenir sur le sujet |

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This would've been an epic Justice League COULD still be when they

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I'd love to hear Zack roast the theatrical cut once the SnyderCut comes out. Can totally imagine it sounding like this. 😂😂

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