A Kabuki actor,Kyoshiro is motivated by the desire to make people happy and enhance his "beautiful fighting style," he travels the country performing on streets,learning new techniques and adding his experiences to his own plays.

14 24

¿vosotros no pensáis que molaría un montón un juego de ranas samurais?🐸🐸

yo quiero hacer uno U.U

1 6

Part II of the "reimagined" win portraits from Samurai Shodown IV. ⛩ Amazing artwork... such a cool throwback for old school fans who remember these.

91 185

⛩ New Samurai Shodown artwork incoming! 💥 These new illustrations are based on the original win portraits from Samurai Shodown IV (1996), with new details on costumes... I love this series so much. 🖤

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Finished some fanart of Shiki from . Really hope the rumor of her being in the new game is true :)

12 31

inktober Day 13. The theme is "GUARDED" インクトーバーチャレンジ13日目。10月毎日1作  

0 2

Day 13. The theme is "Guarded" インクトーバーチャレンジ13日目。10月毎日1作  

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