number 12: Greyhound and number 13: Boston Terrier

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DAY 12: Greyhound! I love these dogs soooo much, especially since is one of my favorite Youtubers, sooo here it is some fanart of her new pup, Bunny

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day 11: the fluffiest man in the world, the Chow Chow!!

This is my favorite to date....,....,.round

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Best noodle dogs ever, Chai and troublemaker Kona for greyhound. Love these two goofs#y dogchildren of and 💖

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Finally got time to work on some pics! Got a cute weenie dog request from what other dog god should I paint❤️🐶

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DOGGUST, right!!! I put it off for a few days cause I was literally scared to draw the dogs. Still not great but they came out alright I think...????

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road trip!!
🐶 12: ✨ Greyhound ✨

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Is it AND ?? What luck! Have a good toasty boy 🐶🐲

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Doggust/Outfit August days 8 and 12! Went back and did a Christmas Beagle b/c the idea seemed too cute to resist. Also featuring a Fall themed Greyhound lad!

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A retrobred rather than the brachycephalic kind, for Day 7 with and !

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Today on Molly, the gorgeous Greyhound from last week's 🖤

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Realised I never posted these guys for day 5&6!! Did a Tibetan Mastiff and then Finnish Lapphund!!

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