KUBERA KUBERA KUBERA the series and this yellow chicken totally grew on me 😂😂😂

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Tough question! I have a lots!😅 But one of my first webtoon was Kubera & my favorite ship is Yuuta&Leez❤❤ My heart hurts just thinking about them😭

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Kubera: Leez Smile 😆

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이번의 KUBERA의 갱신으로, 포크로 고기를 먹는 유타가 대단히 멋졌으므로… 그렸다!  今回の韓国版のクべーラの、フォークで肉を食べるユタが非常にかっこよかったので…。こっちに向かってあーんってしてくれるとこ。

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