19. Self-insert OC? Yes I have made a few. Azen and Aza are my mains cause I’m genderfluid, Lockmar is my MinecraftSona, and Honey is my Jet Set Sona 😎
I’m sure there are far more but, this is all I remember at the moment.

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Self-Insert OC: Self-Insert Delphina has extreme wish fulfillment properties, like powers of Fire Breathing, Ability to Hug YouTube Dogs, and Splitting Into Three People for Comic Writing Purposes. She also used to be a Sailor Senshi because of course she did.

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Have I ever made a self-insert: I haven't ever deliberately set out to do so, but sometimes I find myself realizing that a character is just acting approximately how I would (or how I would want to). Bethan started out like that but eventually grew away, lol.

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19. Have you ever made a self-insert?

back in highschool, sure, but my current ones don't really qualify as such...? If I had to pick one OC who's the most like me and who I can relate to the most, I think that would be Rue

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19. Stop saying I'm Row. I'm not Row.

(But for real, all my characters are at least 10% self-insert. Write what you know, amiright??)

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19. have you ever made a self-insert?

when i was 13 me and my best friend had self insert OCs that we put into fan fiction and original stories, basically as characters who would act like pesky fae that would cause tons of trouble

i also had a couple cameos in monsterpop!

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So, I made a self-insert Naruto OC/sona.... And shipped her with a lot of characters... And my best friend's OC...

No regrets.

I ONLY own my sona, no one else!!

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1. oldest oc - DO YOU MEAN FROM MY MEMORY? I was going to cop out and pull the oldest one from HS, but no, I'll show u my oc from elementary skool who was basically a self-insert beyblader named Kira 😂 Welcome to my edgy past--

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19. Self-insert OCs?
once, it was for a comic that i wanted to reflect on my retail job. i didnt vibe with it because i ended up with a story that derailed completely from my experience and it wouldnt be worth it in the end. here she is

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1. My first OC was a self-insert who debuted in an inuyasha AU fic as his long forgotten sister 😂 She eventually outgrew that and become my online persona (mainly on Gaia Online) and the protagonist of 3 different stories I wrote back in high school.

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19) I don't think I've made a self-insert.
The closest would just be using myself as a trainer in pokemon games.
Unless Animal Crossing counts too lol

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1.) Oldest OC

A self-insert esque character I made when I was, like, at least 10 years old named Likana.

She went through TONS of different hair colours and such, but the most common things I remember is she wore a 'corset', had wolf ears, and had wings??

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fuck it
self-insert time

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Its so fun seeing wow characters in modern clothes and its even more fun dressing your self-insert up in one of your own outfits 😏🌻

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Another one, it's a self-insert OC Donut Steel with a character from a 17 year old obscure anime. Inspired from one of the artists I follow since they draw a lot of romantic stuff. Also, I miss wakabooks colors. As to why this, let's just say I'm tired of oblivious anime MCs.

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Also, here's the full pic of my new avatar. She's a blatant self-insert OC named Erin Connor.


No, really. I might re-do the lineart for this later on, maybe with stabilizer plugins or trying vector art, we'll see.

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Thank you so much for the wonderful people who came to my livestream! Looking forward to interact with you all in my future streams! 😊

Here's the finished work featuring my self-insert character <3

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Currently redesigning my now retired self-insert OC. Muse is finally gonna embrace her own character!

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No more original content, just self-insert meme drawings

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