I'm sick and feelin real gross so I treated myself to a doodle

4 23

hang onto me, and never let go

117 359

*chants from a distance* eternal gays eternal bubbline eternally canon 💜

5 15

Took a hot second break from work to draw because they make me so happy.

1 13

Tá eu precisei fazer um fanart, juro que agora paro de floodar o feed de todo mundo com Bubbline

1 10

‘I don’t want to lose you again’ 💕🖤

1402 4909

Thank you so much for the journey. No words can describe the adventure it brought to me. That said, Im happy with the finale and decided to do something cute to celebrate the end of a beautiful show.

29 187

I finished my taxes in time for a little doodle before bed 💜 (& I wanted to experiment with clip studio's pencil I think I need more practice haha)

7 66

they’re girlfriends!!!!!!!

115 386

THANK YOU CARTOON NETWORK FOR MAKING MY 2018 GOSH <3333 so much love for my fave ship,,,,obligatory small doodle

2 7

my first cartoon otp 💗 it's a rushed doodle, i'll draw something proper or them when i get my assignments done skjdfsdg

0 0

thank you adventure time for my favorite girls 💖

435 1438