Because I am an idiot I forgot to credit the artist of the truly unbeatable cartoon: it's

646 562

EmpireWire cartoon: The white flag. (#TakeItDown )

0 0

EmpireWire cartoon: The white flag. (#TakeItDown )

2 1

EmpireWire cartoon: Speculation tweets louder than news:

1 1

EmpireWire cartoon: If this doesn't pan out for look on the bright side.

0 0

cartoon: Erik van der Steen over verbinden en aha-momenten

1 0

cartoon: formuleren ve interdisciplinaire hoofdvraag

1 2

cartoon: aanscherpen vd vraagstelling

8 9

cartoon: werd het daten toch nog succesvol

3 0

cartoon: Geesteswetenschappen buigt zich over de vragen

5 0

Here's today's cartoon:

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CARTOON: Today's cartoon comes from artist .

1 1

Cartoon: Joker's tattoo (idea stolen from ) Enjoy RT. Donate to our MS Campaign too!

15 18

What can you do when all your choices are bad ones? Todays cartoon:

43 14