The psychology of writing and the cognitive science of the ideal daily routine

37 70

The psychology of writing and the cognitive science of the ideal daily routine

58 140

I was watching a program about how to be successful. The psychology behind it all is quite interesting, buuut… xD

0 0

AOI Member illustrates Issue 3 of Unpsychology Magazine, for the Childhood edition:

0 8

Also, I can't help wondering why the grumpy expressions are the most fun to draw

0 2

The psychology of writing and the cognitive science of the ideal daily routine

91 169

The psychology of writing and the cognitive science of the ideal daily routine

37 56

How Politicians Use Color Psychology to Win Your Votes - The LAMP

2 4

Beautiful read on the psychology, evolutionary purpose and existential rewards of deep play

50 87

Naum Gabo The Force of Art lies in its immediate influence on human psychology and in its active contagiousness

1 2

“夏の恋のおまじない特集”に『心理捜査官ココロ』第7話を載せていただいてます!どうぞよろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

7 13

How Politicians Use Color Psychology to Win Your Votes - The LAMP

1 3

Japanese Personality Test: The Secrets of the Cube

0 0

ちゃおデラックス・ちゃおに『心理捜査官ココロ』を載せていただいてます(不定期)。見かけたらぜひ読んでみて下さい。よろしくお願いいたしますm(_ _)m

8 16

The Book of Pleasure (self-love) The Psychology of Ecstasy. Austin Osman Spare. The Death Posture (frontispiece)

35 70