誤字申し訳ございませんでしたorz Virthじゃなくて!Virtue!!

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Here are two Danganronpa shots, a 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors shot, and a Virtue's Last Reward shot all of specific points cause these games fucked me up -- these parts especially.

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Meet one of the devas!

Name: Zhung
Element: Water
Virtue: The wisdom

"Careful with your actions. The wave you're making now can be a tsunami later"

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💋EPISODE 9 RELEASE TODAY!!! Join us today as we go deeper into Children of Virtue and Vengeance. Let us know what you think of the newest episode and if you are following along tell us what you think of the characters so far?

You can listen to us on Spotify or Anchor.

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Vous avez une question pour organiser votre visite au musée ? Demandez à Jean, notre assistant virtuel du musée (dit chatbot). Il répond instantanément en ligne à une majorité de questions pratiques (horaires, tarifs, accès, programmation culturelle…). https://t.co/BMYTuSVqFa

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Virtue 💎

A Character Sheet for ! Thank you so much for commissioning me to help design your girl! Tieflings are so fun to design!

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Meet one of the devas!

Name: Taioro
Element: Shadow and light
Virtue: The guide

"The difference between medicine and poison is in the dose"

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🇫🇷/ ANNONCE! Nous serons a notre première convention virtuel du 21/08 au 23/08 sur le server discord Virta'Art !
nous partagerons le lien du server le jour j c: !

les serons aussi présent avec nous <33 👀

🇬🇧/ only french for this convention sorry!

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Sopan je UIA, virtue gituh. https://t.co/UxFfzTcybV

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Wow, nice virtue signalling you're doing there... Here. Have a cookie.

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Just two pretty ladies casually talking about the virtues of their men, when suddenly...

Look at that TAIL!!!! 👀

The beautiful snake with better judgment belongs to SO GO AND GIVE HER SOME LOVE!!!

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meet Virtue!

Opposite of Sin and he likes to go baaahhh. He may be a bit naive but he's got good intentions uwu

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One order of Ma Sangtae please. For take out. 🤧💓
A Man of Virtue

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I'm loving them even more 😭💓
A Man Of Virtue ( ) Side Story 7

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Nice timing Jinwoo!!! Looks like Sangtae is really happy! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! 😂🤣😂🤣😂

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A man of virtue
Read on lzhin

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The Knowledge of God, The Love for God
And our Virtues are the Most Important Things
We Take with us into the Realm of Spirit
Our True Destination & Reality.

And as Indicated in Holy Texts ..
The Attainment of Perfections (Divine Virtues)
Is a Never-Ending Process for the Soul.

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All things are in Motion
Even when Outwardly Appearing Still.

When we leave This Life
Our Personality, Consciousness
And All Virtues we've collected
Are Retained in the Soul

Soul & the Spirit is One
And "Motion" for the Soul is the Continued
Movement towards Perfection.

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eeeep I love your art!! 🥰
my beloved PC's are my tiefling glamour bard, Mayvis and tiefling war cleric of Bahamut, Virtue!

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