Thanks to everyone who joined us for the Space Drop! If you did not receive an invite email, stay tuned! Another wave will go out soon.

Still time to sign up! 👽

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Icon commissions for AlienAlfredo and Justmirihere from tumblr.

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Fanart für Aliena auf Facebook.~ ihr Oc Can. :)

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The Greys from Rigel are very different from the Zetas, mostly though their size and shape of their heads and general attitude.

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This crocodile-style reptilian has been often seen in alien abductions or possibly Milabs. He's tall and very muscular. A frightening experience for sure.

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I drew myself as an alien because
A. Aliens are boopin' as hell
B.Because we all alienate ourselves

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Hermann Warm, Walter Reimann and Walter Röhrig, all worked on 'Das Kabinett des Doktor Caligari' (1920) to help produce the zenith of expressionist film-making in the Weimar Cinema. Murder, Torture, Somnambulism, Alienation and wonky walls.

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Un curt d'animació crític i inspirador, recolzat amb escassos efectes de so, que ens mostra amb fredor i cert humor negre l’alienació humana en els seus quefers quotidians.>>

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. please please please stop killing fairies in the sequel please! You are alienating an entire community of folk who love fairies including Fairies already get enough hate. Fairies need love too! 🍄

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the Steps』がミュージック・マガジン1月号でアルバム紹介されています!「過去に聴いてきた日本のケルト系作品中、最高水準の1枚だと思う。期待大。」(松山晋也)

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Dessins d’Hommage à Michel Liénard, l’un de mes artistes favoris 😍❤️

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