自分で依頼しといてなんですが、完成したイラストを拝見するまでグレネードランチャーにParental Advisoryのステッカーが貼られている事に全く気付いてませんでした…



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Despite everything going on right now, I was not going to miss posting again this week. I really love this panel cause, I mean, of course its cute and adorable, but Silver was always like a parental figure for Siren, and with Susca rn, it's great to see her being his mom figure

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Some are also known for parental care. Adults and nymphs of Enchenopa species can often be found together on a single plant.

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As a young woman, despite parental concern, Florence followed her dream to become a nurse. She read anything about health and hospitals. She persuaded her parents to allow her to take three months’ nursing training at a hospital and school in Dusseldorf, Germany.

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All the works in the shop sell it.
let the work which I want to purchase know Opus.
There are some sold, rental, a work during the display, if have any questions, please refer.


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Ikuko Ueno! (art by @/revolocities)
- professional yu-gi-oh player
- extremely self-confident and brash
- will fight you. whether that's fists or cards up to you
- also has horrible parental issues
- chad adjacent
- taller than her brother even when she's 17 and he's mid 20s

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Shuichi Ueno! (art by @/nexusoa)
- was optimistic to a literal fault as a teen
- not the smartest, but definitely tries his hardest
- grows more jaded as he gets older
- MAJOR parental issues. do not talk to him about his mom
- cop

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It started up as a warm up sketch but end up this way...
Due to quarantine extended, I can't get back to my rental room where my vr headset is... it's been 2 months since I last played ...so fanart then?

p/s: the guy is just a genderswap...dun ask why...cuz why not? :3

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-18 yrs old
- A little socially awkward w/ new people, but is calm and collected towards the ones that he's close to.
-He took the parental role for his little niece when his brother and his wife went missing. He doesn't know what he's doing 1/2 the time, but he tries.

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Support your local cinema with 606 Distribution while they're shut.

We will give 10% of all profits from rentals of our new film SYSTEM CRASHER which are made via this link to your nominated local cinema.


's Film of the Week

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Friendly reminder that some of my favourite characters are also excellent parental figures even if some people called them "cold hearted lone wolves ".
Nit with their kids😏❤
And that's the tea☕

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universally hated ? idk I love my ocs but I also love making unlikable characters. I think the characters that would justifiably get the worst rap are "parental figures in power" Rajan, Cloud, Atlas, and Candace. (honorable mention to crystal 5.0 but she's dead pre-RESETTING)

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