*smiles and touches you with my death note then transforms* but I do!

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*smiles and nods then transforms back* I'm sorry about that.Your father I mean.

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*tilts head smiling slyly and touches you with my note and transforms* well I'm the shinigami queen.

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*smiles slyly* well I'm a bit more. *touches with note then transforms* I'm the shinigami queen.

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I also got a new power I can use. *touches you with my death note then transforms into a shinigami*

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*smiles slyly and nods and touches you with my death note and transforms*

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*smiles and nods and transforms into a shinigami and touches you with my death note*

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*smiles and transforms into a regular neko and walks in* so what do you want?

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*smiles and transforms into my regular neko form* K!~*starts walking to my car swishing my tail*

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*gets down suddenly and eyes widen*oh well, i had to tell you some time.*transforms into shinigami*

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*transforms into a shinigami and touches you with my note* fly!

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*transforms into a regular neko and sits* anything is fine with me!~

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*smiles and lands in front of a large apartment building* were here! *transforms into regular neko*

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*smiles warmly* are you sure I could fly us there?*transforms an touches you with my death note*

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*smiles,nods*ok! But if you want we could fly?*transforms into a shinigami and touches you with my note*

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*smiles and transforms back* I hope you feel better now!

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*eyes widen* ok now don't be scared when I do this ok?*transforms into shinigami* now I can heal you!

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*my soul transforms into a shinigami and I touch you with my note*so thats what my insides look like.

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what!?!?Is that me?!*transforms into regular neko so she can see me*

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it gets cooler *transforms into a regular neko again and gets a key out and walks into the lobby*

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