社会法人 著作権情報センター 田中久志「コミックでわかる著作権 ドクタースランプ ニコチャン大王チタマ脱出作戦」(1999)を入手

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See a Beautifully Hand-Painted Animation of Ernest Hemingway’s The Old Man and the Sea (1999) http://t.co/c8kgwTMyDN

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SOLD! Theodore Major (1908-1999)'The House in a Lane' 37"x30" Oil on Board

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NEW TODAY! Theodore Major (1908-1999) 'Man in a Storm' 30"x25"Oil on Board

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Arthur Boyd (Australian, 1920-1999), Lion’s Head on fire and Nebuchadnezzar eating grass, 1968. Oil on canvas.

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El homenaje a "La gran ola de Kanagawa" de Hokusai en 'Mis vecinos los Yamada' (Isao Takahata, 1999)

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"The only reason for using another cut is to improve the scene."—
(Sept 4, 1908 – July 1, 1999)

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"If it can be written, or thought, it can be filmed." — (Jul 26 1928- March 7 1999)

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Friday flowers
Oil on cartboard(1999)

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El postimpressionisme de Xavier Blanch (1918/1999) a

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I don’t usually draw Fantasy artworks, so this is a classic one (from 1999)


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I don’t usually draw Fantasy artworks, so this is a classic one (from 1999).


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