Crona is my spirit animal.

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ich hab mich mit Crona im Soul Eater style gemalt *-*
ich mag Crona >u< er ist knuffig

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Flujo de electrones e>2MeV a nivel de órbita geosíncrona 17-abril: alcanzó niveles elevados durante algunas horas.

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My latest artwork \o/ (sorry for the crappy background haha ^^; )

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Acroyear cover recreation by a few years back from a show in Richmond. One of my Micronauts favorites!

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la cover di Cronache dal Ghiaccio, nuova serie targata Cronaca di Topolinia che uscirà a Lucca

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Source: Guess we just found out the CEO of McRonalds. …

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The Micronauts Aliens in progress

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