Mood: When two friends share a ... hug...
Happy Monday ppl! :D

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Microbial Mood: Exploring how sound affects the human microbiome​ by Sophia Charuhas questions how sound might be used in future treatment of diseases, including mood disorders.

Further information

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Mood: I thought I tend to 3C but according to my sibling I get first hit with this every. quacking. time.

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Today's mood: mother-daughter quality bonding time.

Art by Scott, Mhan/Garza and Duce.

14 42

Current mood:

Coffee > herbal tea.

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igual no se preocupen se me pasa altiro ajskdjh 😔✌️

3 59

Today's mood: this, for some reason

1 9

today’s mood: sleepy bloodhunter bypassing a full English breakfast to cronch on dry toast while pouring herself black coffee 🖤

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