Bandai Namco has apparently trademarked Also Sprach Zarathustra in the United States, the subtitle to Xenosaga Episode III. Is a Xenosaga HD trilogy in the works?

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『ゼノサーガHD コレクション』は近日発表か?バンダイナムコがゼノ3のサブタイトル「Also Sprach Zarathustra」を商標登録

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New video-update about the Story-English-patch for ‘’Super Robot Taisen OGSaga Endless Frontier EXCEED’’! This is our 5th beta! Enjoy!

19 26

The Xenos are coming.

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Who said that KOS-MOS always is inexpressive ?
Sources of the pictures : Endless Frontier EXCEED Super Robot Taisen OGSaga Perfect Bible (it's a gameplay guide).

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Aiming to stream the finale of 3 this Friday, March 30, around 6pm EST.

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Defending Holy Terra from xenos scum!

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HeyGuys I'm home! The work week is over! Gonna get myself settled and prepared to stream 3 in about 1.5hrs. Hope everyone has had a good week so far.

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Planning to stream 3 as usual tomorrow night around 6-7pm EST. Just gotta get through 1 more work day. See you guys then!

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"Loved that scene where she comes back for him"
Yeah me too !
Febronia is a sooo adorable "big sister" IMO 💛
Picture : I.II (Nintendo DS)

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15 years ago, Xenosaga Ep I: Der Wille zur Macht was released, wowing audiences that they still would kill to see an HD port (with odds that feel as likely as XB2's KOS-MOS drop rate). A stunning OST (when it's there), fun combat, deep sci-fi/fantasy lore and intriguing story.

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KOS-MOSやゼノサーガ 好きな方はぜひ手を取って欲しいです…!

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