It’s Wednesday, so that means it’s time for . People might say his turn on Cody was predictable, but predictable doesn’t mean bad, cause that shit was awesome.

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Quick Jon Moxley. Wasn’t it crazy how he looked like an absolute monster next to Darby Allin? Guess he’s a bigger dude than I thought! Minus the Omega death match, I’ve really dug his stuff in AEW so far.

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Heyaa >.<

Desenho principalmente meus ocs com esse estilo aew das imagens

Pessoinhas lindas que merecem todo o amor:

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UPDATE 2: Hackers seem to be battling with 2K Games staff over the profile picture of the WWE 2K page.

Hackers keep changing it to AEW Wrestling, 2K Games which has at least partial control is changing it back to WWE. This is crazy.

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"Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia continues to prove to be a tremendous read..." - of reviews Invasion from Planet Wrestletopia Road Games!

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Jungle Boy is fun to watch in the ring, and also fun when he’s on the apron waiting for a tag. He does a lot of goofy stuff that you have to pay attention to.

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