Some drawings for my JoJo AU!

Jonah Joestar, is a PI - Personal Investigator.
Zeke Zeppeli, is a newcomer who opened up a cafe(? Or a bar, or both?)

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* in the morning watch a new day rise *
* A PJO AU, complete *

Dimitri left home when he was fourteen. He took fifty bucks, a granola bar, and the largest knife from the drawer.

Glenn found him. He brought company.

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Guest speakers for Thursday's virtual gathering: Alejandra Tobar, Dana Thompson of , Tomme Beevas of , and musical guest . Join us at 2 PM:

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Sine as a shadowrunner: a dwarf adept who dances, works in a titty bar, cultivates inner strength while you have premartial sex (with her), and possibly does crimes.

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My latest digital drawing (March 21th)
This is Grobar, one of my characters
I like this machine-dog-horse-gun-robot thing
ᴅʀᴀᴡɴ ᴏɴ ᴍᴏʙɪʟᴇ ᴘʜᴏɴᴇ (w/SᴋᴇᴛᴄʜBᴏᴏᴋX)
ʟᴀʏᴇʀs: 3

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200322 Box Office Bar, which is verified and very reliable for film news, has posted that and will be collaborating for film Moses on the Plains (lit.), and that filming will be taking place imminitely. Current rumors are filming starts on March 26 in Jilin

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Rework art lama

Progres 8bulan terlihat perbedaannya, merasa bangga sama diri sendiri, hehe
Dari semua member Mba yang paling sering digambar, wlwpun gak semua di upload 🤭

Tapi ko jadi serem ya 🙃

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Udah seret balik aja ke kampung, dek. Abangnya tengil barbar, sih di kota.

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guys karena aku sedang BU untuk bayar pengasuh janesh yang dadakan minta kasbon, aku butuh 300k untuk besok pagi.
jadi aku nambah slot orderan gambar, 60k aja /head.
yok, dibuka untuk 5 head aja.
deadline 7-10 hari.
silakan dichat ke line soniaanggi atau ke whatsapp yaa. ^^

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24 pages of these very good boys who can’t keep their hands off each other trying to spy on one another in a cyberpunk future biker bar, the whole chapter going up on the 28th

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Ate o bbb acabar, essa cena vai ser a minha capa huauhahuahuahua

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Dica do dia

Maoyke no Darling, durante a festa de boas vindas do clube de badminton, um fofíssimo garoto acaba conhecendo seu senpai de sua cara assustadora. Após a festa acabar, o garoto acaba cuidando do senpai que acabou vomitando, o senpai, por sua vez, acaba se apaixonando.

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Depois de uma semana consegui acabar,confesso que me decepcionei um pouco com a parte de luz e sombra por não conseguir fazer direito,mas gostei do resultado final

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Star Wars Toy desing, by Shoulong Tian

Greedo, Ackbar, C-3PO and R2-D2 !

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Abbiamo imparato ciò che si può e non si può fare in questi giorni: restare a casa, lavarsi spesso le mani, uscite limitatissime, niente bar, ne' ristoranti. Stanotte però vi porto a cena in un posto magico, menù e servizio all'altezza...Ottima notte bimbe!

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Sure - dermatograph,oilbar,oilpastel,crayon on paper
______ 350㎜×510㎜ _________________________________

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I’m Crowbar, I love homebrew worlds and playing as different flavours of ‘cave elves’ lol. I’m also currently DMing a West Marches campaign set in a world that’s slowly being taken over by a malignant growth and the players are recovering lost ancient magitech.

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Yuk yang mau order gambar, kita masih open commission yaaaa 😋 Btw sekarang ada promo 5 orang hanya 60k untuk Style A dan 100k untuk Style B yaaa 😁langsung dm aja ok! Ditunggu ya^^

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Chill shader session in a bar, the Thursday 19th March in the evening. Rendezvous at 197 avenue Dausmenil, Paris.

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